Saturday, July 14, 2012

Sooner or later, I'm gonna be out of the family because of the way I dress.

I tried to clean and organize my closet. And I got lazy I didn't even go halfway through all of them. I noticed that I have a number of jeans that I didn't know existed. I hate pants. Though there are times I wanted to love them. I really wish I could pull them off. Maybe I'll wear them when my legs become skinnier. Just shorts and skirts/dresses for me. And sweaters. I love sweaters. I wish it's always cold out. 

And at this point the title is becoming irrelevant. It's just that sometimes I'm having trouble going out without people in the house making fun of me, or telling me to change what I'm wearing, or telling me I look absurd. And I don't care. Though sometimes it gets to me. Especially now that somehow I'm confident enough to dress weirdly in an ordinary way. 

Having to express myself through the way I dress is important at this stage where I'm trying to find time to do the things I love so I won't have to rot away and be consumed in what people (and society) expect of me. Be more of myself and be less like what they think I was programmed to be. And it is healthy for me just like drinking tea. Which reminds me. I forgot to buy tea.

I'm gonna be a prolific blogger tonight. I'm having an unusual urge to talk. Maybe Regina's right. I'm happier now.

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